Topic: What we have done and way forward for SAAI coordinatorship
Time: 12:40 – 13:45 Jakarta Time (65 minutes)
Place: Mitra Room, Sari Pacific Autograph Collection, Jakarta, Indonesia
Attendees (offline):
Kazuhiko Aoki (Sakura Science Headquarters, JST)
Helen Kristin (SAAI Coordinator 2019-2021)
Muhammad Fadel (SAAI Coordinator 2019-2021)
Kadek (KH) Darmawan (SAAI Coordinator 2021-2022)
Farhana Syuaib (SAAI Coordinator 2021-2022)
Mutiara Auliya (SAAI Coordinator 2021-2022)
Muhamad Yusron (SAAI Coordinator 2022-2023)
Andi Syamsul (SAAI Coordinator 2022-2023)
Anisa Fathonah (SAAI Coordinator 2022-2023)
Livia Lianasari (SAAI Coordinator 2022-2023)
and joined virtually by JST/JISTEC representatives

I. Coordinator Introduction and Situational Analysis

The coordinator meeting was started by Coordinator Introduction and led by Ms. Farhana Syuaib. It was a cheerful moment since for the first time, three batch of SAAI coordinator met physically. Each coordinator introduced casually themselves by telling their name, year and batch of SSP, current resident, hobbies and one unique fun fact. The coordinator introduction was so fun with a lot of laughter since the unique fun facts were funnily revealed at this moment. Each coordinator will be able to remember the other coordinator more intensively.
The session continued by a brief explanation of SAAI coordinator history since it is established in 2019 till today, welcoming the 3rd batch of coordinator. Mainly the discussion focused on the dynamic story of the coordinator in each batch.
II. Sharing with SAAI coordinator 2019-2021

At this occasion, the former main coordinators (Ms. Helen and Mr. Fadel) shared about SAAI’s focus-activities for their batch of coordinatorship. They mentioned several programs that successfully invited the active participation of SAAI members including SAAI Talks, “SAAI Grand Webinar” and “Lesson Learned from Japan,” essay competition for SAAI Anniversary, and many more. But they highlighted that the program ran online because of the condition of pandemic. In addition, they also kindly revealed some struggles in their batch, including management of the huge number of coordinators and maintaining coordinator’s commitment to this voluntary work. Both former coordinators hope that more physical activities can be designed by the next coordinator of SAAI.
III. Report from SAAI coordinator 2021-2022

Mr. Kadek as the current SAAI Main Coordinator delivered a presentation on what they have done for the one and a half year of his coordinatorship. Firstly, he highlighted some interesting facts and backgrounds about SAAI for giving a glimpse and deep introduction into the new coordinator and JST representative. Followed by one-by-one report on six main activities that ran by his batch of coordinator and the next step that could be taken by the next coordinator of SAAI. As the spokesperson of his batch, Mr. Kadek sincerely hoped that the next coordinators would be able to continue the excellent work accomplished by the current and former coordinator of SAAI.
IV. Way Forward for SAAI coordinator 2023-

As the next coordinator benefit from the excellent work from previous batches, they prepared a presentation that focus on discussing the upcoming SAAI activities. Firstly, along with a main coordinator, they agreed to have four different sections at their coordinatorship: (i) General secretary and partnership, (ii) Event and Project management, (iii) Social media, and (iv) Alumni engagement.
This was followed by an extensive explanation regarding the three main activities that they proposed:
a) Sustainable Development Goals workshop and FDG (focus group discussion) for alumni
b) Science Award Program for general
c) Social media campaign emphasizing the participant using SAAI hashtag.
This meeting report was contributed by Ms. Farhana Ibrahim Syuaib and Mr. Kadek Hendra Darmawan.