Message from Members

FY 2021
  • Nguyen Duy Phuoc
    Current Affiliation :
    Kyungsung University
    Country/Region :
    Name : Nguyen Duy Phuoc

Hello SSC and members of SSC from all over the world, my name is Nguyen Duy Phuoc. I’m doing the second year of the Bachelor in Mechatronics Engineering at Kyungsung University with a full scholarship. Although my experience in the one-week Sakura Science Plan (SSP) Exchange Program in 2017 has passed for a couple of years, all of the memory is still in my mind.

It was that trip to Japan that motivated me to study this major, particularly the day that we visited the Miraikan Museum (National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation). When attending the courtesy call on Dr. Mamoru Mohri, I was influenced by his great endeavor and contribution to astronomy in general and his country in particular. I remembered that he asked us one question about the name of the component from a satellite. Plenty of the students who also attended with me named that part but none of them was correct. The thing is that Dr. Mohri did not negate right away, but he considered then asked them “what is your future career?” Or “what do you want to become in the future?” He showed us why that student decided to offer that answer based on the student’s major. Then he analyzed for us how important his/ her major was, and negated the answer as final. In the end, because of the lack of duration of the lecture, Dr. Mohri could not call on everyone. Therefore, after hearing from a few students, he claimed the answer “It’s a cooling system” – which was also the same answer in my mind at that time. However, the point is not about the answer, but Dr. Mohri’s vision, how he inspired us, etc.