Member's Voice

FY 2024
  • Samuel Ochor
    Current Affiliation :
    University of Nairobi
    Country/Region :
    Name : Samuel Ochor

I am Samuel Ochor, a final-year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. I am deeply grateful for my enriching experience in Japan through the Remote Sensing and Nanosatellite training program organized by JST.

The lectures at Kyutech and Tokyo Denki University were insightful, complementing my academic knowledge with practical applications. The visits to JAXA and RESTEC (Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan) were inspiring, providing a glimpse into the future of space technology.

The cultural immersion was a highlight of my trip. I enjoyed the Japanese cuisine and the traditional paper-making sessions, which gave me a deeper appreciation of the rich Japanese culture.

This experience has solidified my passion for Space Engineering, and I am excited to pursue my Masters in this field. I am particularly interested in the potential of nanosatellites in advancing our understanding of the universe and solving real-world problems.

Thank you for this incredible opportunity. I look forward to contributing to the field of Space Engineering and inspiring others just as this program has inspired me.

Arigatou Gozaimasu!