Member's Voice

FY 2024
  • Bamlakfekad Mengesha Admassu
    Current Affiliation :
    Addis Ababa University / EiABC-Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development
    Country/Region :
    Name : Bamlakfekad Mengesha Admassu

Embarking on a journey to Japan was truly a dream come true When I, Bamlakfekad Mengesha, got introduced to the world of architectural heritage and preservation in my last years of Architecture school (at Addis Ababa University / EiABC-Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development), little did I know that this path would lead me to a transformative experience in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Under the guidance of our Teacher Architect Tadesse Girmay, Architect Fasil Giorghis and the esteemed Professor Rumi Okazaki. Our journey took us to the Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), where we immersed ourselves in a design workshop that shed light on the importance of digitally documenting our architectural heritages.

As Kenzo Tange, a pioneer in post war Japanese architecture once said, “Tradition and modernity coexist in Japan”. That's the very first thing that caught my attention as we explored through the bustling streets of Tokyo, where ancient temples stood alongside futuristic skyscrapers. This duality stood to remind us of the delicate balance between progress and preservation. This display extends beyond the architecture and in the norms, manners, culture and way of life.

Through our documentation projects, visit to Zexaverse, and lectures on XR; I witnessed firsthand the harmonious blend of innovation and tradition in Japanese design. As we worked on a farmhouse architecture, I marveled at the precision and craftsmanship that formed each structure. It was a privilege to learn from a culture that reveres its architectural heritage with such reverence.

As we bid farewell to Japan, I carry with me a treasure of memories and friendships gained in the cultural exchange. The hospitality extended by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), the warmth of the Sakura Science Club (SSC), and the guidance of the Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) have left an incredible mark on my journey.

My time in Japan has instilled in me a profound appreciation for the intersection of past and future, tradition and innovation. As I return to Ethiopia, I am armed with newfound knowledge and insights that will shape my future endeavors as an architect.

JST, SSP and SIT for an unforgettable chapter in my architectural Journey. May our paths cross again.

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