Member's Voice

FY 2024
  • Diego Luna Velez
    Current Affiliation :
    Colegio Montessori Cartagena (Biontessori)
    Country/Region :
    Name : Diego Luna Velez

I had the honor and privilege of competing to obtain a scholarship offered by the government of Japan, the Ministry of Science of Colombia, and the Ondas Bolívar Program, called the Sakura Program 2023. This allowed me to travel to the Land of the Rising Sun and have one of the most enriching and demanding experiences of my life. There are so many anecdotes and experiences that come to mind at this moment, but I would like to share the cultural, scientific, and technological impact experienced with the Japanese.

How can I not mention that it is forbidden to enter Japanese temples with shoes, which must be exchanged for slippers indicating the level of respect for the place being stepped on. Imagine my surprise when arriving at "Ryugasaki Daiichi High School," they asked us to take off our shoes and wear Uwabaki (slippers) because the educational center is a sacred place. Hence, the values of respect and human dignity, as well as discipline and knowledge, are forged under this transcendent principle.

Undoubtedly, a very valuable element was getting to know other research groups that were also part of this experience. Among them, we shared moments with students from Mexico, Peru, Pakistan, Korea, Japan, Bangladesh, and Colombians from different regions such as Chocó, Santander, Atlántico, and San Andrés Island. We had a common language: that of science and research. We participated in scientific and cultural activities where we had the opportunity to exchange our dances, songs, and integrate as if we were from one country.

Someone once said, "Science is what happens to us while we are making other plans," and I believe it, as everyday life becomes a great laboratory with much to explore. As this remarkable chapter concludes, the Sakura Program stands as a vivid testament to the transformative power of cultural exchange and collaborative pursuit of knowledge.