Member's Voice

FY 2023
  • Liu Chi Chih
    Current Affiliation :
    The University of Adelaide (Master of Mechanical Engineering)
    École Centrale de Lyon (Master of Acoustic Engineering)
    Country/Region :
    Name : Liu Chi Chih

Hi I am Liu Chi Chih, a student from the University of Adelaide and École Centrale de Lyon. I am very appreciative of being an SSC coordinator for Taiwan. I have been to the Tokyo Metropolitan Science & Technology High School as a high school student. In this program, I studied with Japanese high school students, such as math courses, English courses, and the school’s club. After this program, I joined the TSSCA (Taiwan Sakura Science Club Alumni) team in 2022 and shared my experience with Taiwanese students who want to study in Japan. After graduating from the university, I hope to work in Japan and live there.

Following the Sakura Science Program, my interest in pursuing studies abroad was ignited. While Japan remains my desired destination, the prevalence of English as the international language, positioned English-speaking countries as my priority choice for overseas study. Considering aspects of finances and distance, Australia emerges as a favourable option. Australian universities offer top-tier education, attracting a diverse pool of international students. My academic background now includes a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Adelaide.

Furthermore, the University of Adelaide presents a unique opportunity through its dual master's program for master's or honour students, facilitating my studies in acoustics at École Centrale de Lyon in France. Therefore, I plan to seek master of acoustics in France in 2024.