
SAAI to Announce Winners for Scientific Essay Competition

Celebrating the 1st anniversary of Sakura Alumni Association Indonesia (SAAI), SAAI organized a scientific essay competition in December 2020. The competition aimed to develop scientific thinking in solving the current crisis. Together, Japan and Indonesia, through the Sakura Alumni Association in Indonesia (SAAI), JST and Sakura Science Club (SSC) would like to attempt a possible effort to provide a platform to trigger young sci-tech enthusiasts to develop scientific thinking and to take part in solving world problems.

After a thorough review and screening by both SAAI coordinators and JST members, three winners were selected in the beginning of January. The winners will receive certificates from JST.

1. Mr. Wirawan Lingga

Affiliation: Institut Teknologi Bandung
Essay Title “Save Rice, Save Lives”… more

2. Mr. Laurentius Kevin Hendinata

Affiliation: Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Essay Title: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Home Energy Audits as an Effort to Increase Energy Efficiency and Facing Post-Pandemic Economic Problems… more

3. Mr. Afrinal Firmanda

Affiliation: Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor, Indonesia
Essay Title “Nanomask Based Cellulose and Chitin/Chitosan against Coronavirus”… more

The organizers are thankful to numerous participants who managed to send in their work within a few weeks after the competition was announced. JST and SSC Secretariat would like to express appreciation to all the ardent SAAI coordinators who have worked tirelessly to make this event an inspiring opportunity and look forward to SAAI’s advancement.