Member's Voice

FY 2024
  • Sajan Duwal
    Current Affiliation :
    Antarikchya Pratisthan Nepal (APN)
    Country/Region :
    Name : Sajan Duwal

Hello and Namaste,

My name is Sajan Duwal, currently affiliated with Antarikchya Pratisthan Nepal, and I am writing to express my gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the Ground Station and Ground Sensor Terminal Workshop at Kyushu Institute of Technology (2024). It has been a transformative experience that has significantly shaped my perspectives and aspirations towards the space and space technology.

The workshop provided me with invaluable insights into the detailed workings of ground station operations and the utilization of ground sensor terminals in space missions. Through engaging presentations, hands-on activities, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the technical expression involved in satellite communication and data acquisition. It has been an immensely enriching experience that has not only broadened my understanding of space technology but has also provided me with invaluable insights into Japanese culture and lifestyle.