Member's Voice

FY 2024
  • Sneha Ishika Deo
    Current Affiliation :
    The University of Waikato
    Country/Region :
    Name : Sneha Ishika Deo

Hello, I am Sneha Ishika Deo. I am a 22-year-old Indian Fijian who migrated from Fiji to New Zealand. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Technology) majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Chemistry at The University of Waikato, with the aspiration to become either a pharmacist or a medical lab scientist. I previously completed a year of medical school at the Fiji National University before my family and I migrated to New Zealand. I am currently exploring new hobbies and interests such as cooking and delving into the world of food sciences, acquiring driving skills, and upgrading my computer and technology skills. I am an avid fan of anime and am passionate about exploring Japanese culture and language, which is why I enjoy being a member of the Sakura Science Club. Despite the challenges I faced while adjusting to life in a new country, I am determined to pursue my academic and career goals with the support of my family and the community at large.

(P.S. Fun fact about me - My favourite anime is Jujutsu Kaisen and my favourite character is Fushiguro Megumi :))