Sakura Mentor

Does work-life balance exist in Japan?
Ha Hoang Updated in May 2024

If you search on the internet and see some statistic data, I think the answer is clear that Japan is a country with dedicated working culture and long working hours, although government is trying to improve it now. Some newspaper even report that people committed suicide due to exhaustion from work. It sounds terrible for foreigners, doesn’t it?

I think everyone wants an easy life, work less, and enjoy more. But let’s look at the truth. When people demand for more material things in life, they would have to work more to afford it. Even if you don’t demand many material things, it is impossible for foreigners to just do part-time jobs unless they are permanent residents. Waiting for change in this society is time-consuming. You also can’t change this world. The only thing you can do is to change yourself. So, I wrote this article just to share with you my way to have a work-life balance in Japan myself. It is to engage in work and life mindfully. I am not good in doing that yet, but I practice and it helps me a lot. Here are some practices I did:

1.Appreciate the job I have

When I feel tired at work, I just remind myself how lucky I am to have the current job. Thinking about my parents, they would even have to work on weekends to earn enough money, while I have free time to relax every Saturday and Sunday. Thinking about many foreign trainees who work manual jobs in Japan, their work is harder, but their salaries are less than mine. My job is a dream of many people.

2.See things in a different perspective

When the pandemic happened and I had to work from home, I was worried if I could do my job well alone. Then, I told myself that it was also a great chance to have more time to relax because commuting time was eliminated. And now, when I return to office, I feel that I have less time to relax. Then, I told myself that it was also a great chance to see everyone’s face again. Work efficiency will improve thanks to face-to-face communication.

Photo: ACworks

3.Concentrate on the present moment

When at work, I try to focus on just work. And after work, I switch my mind to a relaxed state to enjoy my day. As a result, when I engage with my family, I can spend my mind and time fully for them. Even at lunch time, I practice to just enjoy my food without other distractions. I wonder why other people could grab food when their ears are listening to music or their hands are surfing the web.

Louis Hansel for Unsplash

4.Connect to nature

I feel healing when I connect to nature. Even just by looking at the blue sky, listening to the bird’s singing, and seeing beautiful blooming flowers for a few minutes, I feel refreshed. I spend every precious moment I have during commuting time to connect with Mother Earth. Lovely morning sunlight brings me energy for a new day. Starry night sky helps me regain energy after a long day at work. Even on a rainy or snowy day, I still feel and see its beauty.

PhotoAC: ukaR_jp

5.Adapt to various situations

I usually prepare my dinner after returning home from work. When I suddenly have to work until late, I do not wait until I get home to have dinner. Instead, I have dinner at the company’s cafeteria.

There are many more practices, but the key is just to be mindful and conscious. No matter where you are, you are the one who decides your own work-life balance, not an outside situation.

Brett Jordan for Unsplash