
SAAI’s Journey – Remark from SAAI President

I am deeply honored to be the President of the Sakura Alumni Association in Indonesia (SAAI) under the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The journey of learning, leadership shaping, and empowerment forging stays beyond any other places offered.

To date, we have 3,056 alumni who have experienced the SSP and SSHP programs hosted by JST and respective Japanese universities and schools. Becoming the leader of these big communities and resources has challenged me in many ways, including learning and wisdom, but more importantly, the opportunity bestowed upon me many legacies.

SAAI exists for the alumni, from the alumni, and created by the alumni. We foster openness to initiate and continue development in science and technology, with regards to strengthening Indonesia-Japan collaboration and relationship.

Reflecting on the past two years, I am proud to have worked alongside nine remarkable coordinators — Karina Octavia, Ramadhan Sanyoto SW, Hizkia Alpha Dewanto, Yusron Fuadi, Kafa 'Aisyana Ni'mah, Dewi Caesaria Fitriani, Livia Liannasari, Alvin Vigo P., and Anisa Fathonah — whose dedication and collaboration have been instrumental in SAAI’s growth and impact.

Together, we achieved significant milestones as the metrics of 2023-2024:

  • - 135+ Social Media Posts
  • - 5 Global Events on SDGs workshops
  • - 2 Global Coordinator Meetings
  • - 3 Global SAAI Talks, 16 National SAAI Talks
  • - 2 Joint Events with JASSO Education Fair
  • - 1,100+ Global Youths Engaged, including 270+ Indonesian Youths
  • - 1 National Scientific Writing Competition
  • - 1 Social Innovation Challenge with Gaiax Ltd., Japan
  • - Collaborated with 10+ Prominent Organizations, including:
    • 1. UNDP Indonesia
    • 2. Embassy of Japan in Indonesia
    • 3. The ASEAN Secretariat
    • 4. JETP (Just Energy Transition Partnership) Secretariat Indonesia
    • 5. Kyushu University
    • 6. The University of Kitakyushu
    • 7. Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional RI (BRIN RI)
    • 8. SEAMEO Secretariat
    • 9. Resilience Development Initiative (RDI)
    • 10. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
    • 11. Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Indonesia

These achievements are a testament to the power of teamwork and shared vision. Let’s continue this momentum and strengthen our contributions for 2025-2026, creating even more meaningful impacts and opportunities for our alumni and the global community.

Abdul Baits Dehana Padma Swastika
SAAI President 2022-2024