
Upcoming Events

SSC Japan Online Event

“Navigating Career Transitions in Japan: From Scholarship to Success in Industry & Academia”

Co-hosted by SSC Japan and JST

Date: August 3, 2024  Time: 15:00-16:30 (Japan Time)
Venue: Zoom Meeting Platform
Registration Link:

Program Outline
Session 1 - Academia
Guest Speaker: Mr. Murshalin Ahmed
Panelists: Ms. Nusrat, Dr. Kaushita, Ms. Huang, Ms. Ju, and Ms. May
Moderator: Dr. Kaushita Banerjee

Session 2 - Industry
Guest Speaker: Ms. Swetha Soundararajan
Panelists: Ms. Ha, Mr. Sahil, Dr. Dyuti, Mr. Nico, and Mr. Rahul
Moderator: Mr. Rahul Maroju

Q&A/FAQ Session
Moderator: Dr. Dyuti Prakash Sarkar

SSC’s Japan chapter, SSC Japan consists of members and coordinators who are in Japan now for their higher studies or professional career. SSC Japan was launched in 2016. To supplement the 2023 online event “Exploring Opportunities: Mapping Out the Prospective Journey in Japan – Insights from SSC Alumni,” coordinators started preparation for the upcoming event since May 2023.

For inquiries, please contact through email:
ssc20[at] (Replace [at] with @ when sending)
