さくらサイエンスプログラムさくらサイエンスプログラム さくらサイエンスプログラム


2019年度 活動レポート 第4号:工学院大学




工学院大学では、さくらサイエンスプログラムの支援のもと2019年6月18日から7月8日まで、シンガポール国立大学(National University of Singapore、 NUS)より修士・博士課程の学生10名を共同研究活動コースで招へいしました。


今回は、エネルギー材料・デバイスに関する大学間の共同研究を推進する目的で招へいしました。エネルギー分野は、物理、化学、材料、機械、電気を基礎とする研究を融合し、新しい知見の獲得のためにも世界規模での共同研究が必要です。本学においても様々な分野において、エネルギー材料に関する研究がおこなわれており、昨年度の本プログラムをきっかけにNUSと本学のエネルギー材料・デバイスに関するシンポジウム(Symposium for Collaborative Research on Energy Science and Technology、SCREST)を分野横断的にNUSで開催しました。このシンポジウムには、今回のさくらサイエンスプログラムで来日した学生も出席し、研究内容の理解を深めました。その後、NUSの指導教員を含め来日した学生と本学の教員は、メールで来日中の実験に関して打合せて準備を進めました。

1日目 日本に到着
2日目 Opening ceremony & Welcome party
3~13日目 6研究室に分かれて研究活動
14日目 株式会社リガク訪問
15、 16日目 他研究室訪問・学会準備・各研究室でのフェアウェルパーティ
17~19日目 SCREST-2nd・フェアウェルパーティ
21日目 帰国







●I would like to extend my gratitude for the hospitality received during our 3 weeks stay in Japan. Thank you for your guidance in the laboratory as well as the farewell party which you have specially organized for us. Although it is a short 3 weeks program、 I think we have really bonded well with the professors and the students at Kogakuin University. I really enjoyed this Sakura Program. Hope that we have a chance to meet you and the students again in the near future. Many thanks!

●Many thanks for your support in the last three weeks in Kogakuin University、 including your kind guidance in research as well as care for daily life. It’s a memorable experience for me to work in your group、 the hard working and preciseness of your group members impressed me a lot. Also thanks for the substantial activities you organized for us、 I really enjoy these days in Japan. Wish you everything goes well and this program can continued.

●I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your help during the SAKURA Exchange Program. After the study in your lab、 I found that simulation is important and useful to explain the energy storage mechanism. With your help、 I have a good understanding of simulation part for battery field. I will continue to learn more from your papers. Again、 I would like to express my warm thanks to you. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

●In the past three weeks、 I really have a nice journey in Japan. Especially the days I study in your lab、 your kindness makes me feel like home. Thank you and all the group members. In the future、 if you or your students visit Singapore、 please feel free to let me know.

●I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you and every member of your lab for your hospitality、 help and guidance、 the invaluable friendship and bonding I received during the three-week stay at Kogakuin. The time I spent with your group was the most rewarding experience for me、 and the beautiful memories will be everlasting. I look forward to meeting you and the students again in the future、 whether in conferences、 exchange programs and collaboration works. If any of you ever come to Singapore、 I will be glad to meet you and offer my assistance. I will miss all of you、 and hope to keep in touch and remain good friends with the students for the decades to come! Please also help me to extend my thanks and best wishes to all the students. I will discuss with my supervisor soon and explore collaboration opportunities with your lab. I will write to you again to introduce more information about my lab and possible directions to collaborate. My sincere thanks and best wishes again. どうもありがとうございました。
