Beijing Normal University Graduate student collaboration
Report from Tohoku University
Tohoku University
Supported by Sakura Science Exchange Program, a graduate student from Beijing Normal University visited the Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University from November 8–28, 2015.
The graduate student Li-Shan Xie visited to collaborate with the IMR Theoretical Physics group, combining ab initio and atomistic computational techniques. It was also an opportunity for the student to attend the Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC) on Spintronics, a unique chance to see the latest developments and discuss with world leaders in this research field.
The Li-Shan undertook training to learn about the methods of atomistic spin dynamics, a way of modeling magnetic materials that allows an accurate description of thermal effects. Using ab initio parameters she had calculated in Beijing, realistic models can be built of technologically important materials, such as Yttrium Iron Garnet in what is known as a multi-scale modeling approach. The student is now able to use the atomistic spin dynamics software, developed by Dr Joseph Barker in the IMR Theoretical Physics group, with the results being used to better understand problems in Spintronics.
During the visit, there was a week of workshops as part of the Tohoku Forum for Creativity on Spintronics. Including Spintronics with Antiferromagnets (32nd Reimei Workshop on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics) and Spintronics (13th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics)(pictured below).

Talks covered topics from the theory of Spintronics in antiferromagnets to the implementation of Spintronics in MRAM type devices. Prestigious invited speakers from across the globe attended and it gave a unique chance to see the leading edge of research in the field. Part of this program of events includes long-term visitors who stayed at Tohoku University for several weeks.
This allowed the student to enjoy discussions with visiting scientists such as Xavier Waintal, CEA Grenoble(pictured below. The TFC also provided a good networking opportunity and the student was able to make contacts with her peers from Japan and further afield.

Weekends provided a further opportunity to learn about Japan, including hiking in the Miyagi countryside close to Yamadera. The visit was also an excellent opportunity for the Li-Shan to practice her Japanese with native speakers.
This was Li-Shan’s first time to visit Japan and she left with a very good impression of Japan’s scientific prowess and also the country and the people. New results were calculated during her stay and the collaboration will continue into the future.