Open Application Program

Sakura Science Exchange Program invites aspiring youth for a short period of time and promotes the exchange in the field of science and technology.

Individual application cannot be accepted. Overseas and Japanese organizations jointly plan the program, and the Japanese organization sends applications to JST within the designated period.

Application Calendar (Updated on July 1st)

Course A, B, C

During the Application period in fiscal year 2024, there are 3 deadlines to screen the application documents.
Schedule for FY2024 is as below. Please note that this schedule is subject to change.

Deadline Result
Invitation period
1 January 25 (Thu) February 22 (Thu) Mid April Late May ~ March 14, 2025
2 February 23 (Fri) May 16 (Thu) Mid July Late August ~ March 14, 2025
3 May 17 (Fri) September 9 (Mon) Early November Mid December ~ March 14, 2025

Course D

Deadline Result
Invitation period
June 17 (Mon) September 9 (Mon) Early November Mid December ~ March 14, 2025

Eligibility Criteria for the program

1. Countries or regions for invitation

Basically, all countries and regions are eligible for invitation.
※Course D: India and African countries

2. Requirements for invitees

The invitee must meet the following requirements when coming to Japan.

  1. Affiliation / Age

    (i) High school students, Technical college students
    (※Course D: High school students are not applicable)

    (ii) University students, Graduate students, Postdoctoral fellows, Faculty members, and persons who are engaged in work related to science and technology at public institutions and are below 40 years old.

  2. Experience of staying Japan In principal, invitation by Sakura Science Exchange Program must be the first stay Japan for the invitee.
    (※This requirement does not apply to the Course D)

Application Guidelines