2016年度 活動レポート 第29号:京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所



京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所 教授 大垣英明さんからの報告

平成28年8月28日〜9月6日の日程で、京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所では、大阪大学産業科学研究所の楊先生、また、理化学研究所 放射光科学総合研究センターの大竹チームリーダーの協力を得て、中国科学技術大学の学生10名(大学院生9名、学部生1名)を迎えて、「高輝度量子ビームの発生とその応用」というテーマで、さくらサイエンスプログラムのプログラムを実施しました。





31日は、理化学研究所 放射光科学総合研究センターを訪問し、同センターの大竹雄次チームリーダーから、SPring-8/SACLAの装置に関して、また、犬伏雄一研究員からはこれらの最先端装置を使用した利用研究に関して講義を頂き、その後、SPring-8/SACLAの見学を行いました。


京都大学エネルギー理工学研究所ではこのプログラムに連動して、9月1日から2日まで、"1st International workshop on CSR and free electron lasers from ultra short bunch electron beam”を開催しました。このワークショップには、中国から3名の研究者が参加し、本研究所の学生および、我が国の先端施設からの参加を得て行われました。そして、さくらサイエンスプログラムの中国科学技術大学の10名もこれに参加して、日中の最先端研究の状況を学ぶとともに、学生自身の現在の研究についても発表を行い、意見交換を行いました。

"1st International workshop on CSR and free electron lasers from ultra short bunch electron beam"の参加者全員で記念撮影。招聘学生も各自の研究を発表しました。



更に5日には本研究所が主催する国際シンポジウム"The 7th International Symposium of Advanced Energy Science - Frontiers of Zero Emission Energy"に参加し、エネルギー分野における最先端研究状況や、高輝度量子ビームの貢献等について学び、9月6日に一行は帰国しました。


中国科学技術大学・大学院生 居赛龙 さんの感想

It is very tempting to write this report as some kinds of diary because each campaign that we took part in during this program was fascinating and unforgettable. The lab tour at Kyoto University, Osaka University and Spring-8 gave us an overview about the world-class free electron laser (FEL) technology of Japan. The scientific background and lots of applications of FEL research were introduced by our hosts. On the other hand, the cultural tour was pretty exciting, the magnificent Osaka Castle, delicious sushi, the deer in Nara, etc. As for me, I lost myself in the scenery of the Uji Bridge.

But limited by the length, I’d rather like to mention three things that impressed me most. Several days before our departure from Hefei, we received a detailed schedule. It contains the transportation information from Chubu Centrair International Airport to Uji Campus, Kyoto University and all the arrangements of our ten days visit. We landed at Centrair at 19:30 and reached our hotel at 22:30, one hour late compare to the plan and fifty minutes was delayed by the plane. I can’t image this efficiency without the comprehensive transportation information. All the train routes, stations, timetables and estimated time are included. Actually, I spent five hours trying to make a similar one before I received the schedule, but didn’t succeed. My heartfelt gratitude to our schedule maker!

Another thing is from SACLA. Walking along the accelerator, I was deeply moved by the beauty of these scientific instruments. Different components in different colors, every corner is extremely clean. I heard that even the air inside has been filtered to keep dust out. Sure, I have walked along the accelerator tunnel of our lab several times, it is clean also. But I have a feeling that there is something on a deeper level still needs to be improved. Just like the streets in Japan, sometimes there may be some cigarette butts, while in China, we may have two plastic bags or more. That is the difference.

Sept. 6th, we finished our journey. When the plane took off at Centrair, I looked out of the window and saw three airport staffs waving goodbye to us in the rain. The same scene I neither saw at San Francisco, nor at Shanghai.

I’d like to thank Prof. Ohgaki, Associate Prof. Kii and Yumiko Nagaya of IAE, Kyoto University for the elaborate arrangement of this program and Dr. Yang of Osaka University, Dr. Otake and Dr. Inubushi of Spring-8, their introductions of FEL research were wonderful. Thank Mr. Okumura for guiding us in the cultural tour. I will miss the banquet in the Clock Tower Centennial Hall on Sept. 5th, though I didn’t eat much because of enjoying the chat. Thank all the speakers during our visit for tolerating my stupid questions. All the cherished memory in Japan inspires us to put the extra into the ordinary and know what we Chinese young generation should be.