2014年度 活動レポート 第7号:久留米工業高等専門学校(1)



独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構 久留米工業高等専門学校

タイのモンクット王工科大学ラカバン(KMITL)の情報学部から学部生6名、修士課程4名の学生が研修に来ました (2014年7月6日~12日)。学生交流として、お互いの学生が研究内容や学校を英語で紹介したり、高専プロコンでの受賞作品についてプログラミングラボ部と意見交換をしたりしました。







First time in Japan

This was my first trip to Japan. This trip was great. I got a great experience and learned about three things in my trip.

First, I received some new technologies. When I went to Fukuoka Science Museum, I thought Japan had new technologies more than Thailand, because in the science museum, there were many robots and inter-active equipments such as a flight simulator and a drawing robot. I was excited and wanted to be like this in Thailand.

Second, I had new friends. When I went to Kurume National College of Technology, I made a presentation about KMITL and I talked with Japanese friends. I asked them about Japan and I received many answers about Japanese famous foods, Japanese language, and Japanese culture. After I observed around Kurume NCT, I went to a casting room, a modeling room and a project room and I think in future I want to learn a master degree in Japan.

Last, I think Japanese people are generous, punctual and pay attention to every detail. When I met Kuroki sensei and I stayed at Kurume, he took care of me about everything in Japan. I had many questions about Japanese buses and trains. I asked him and he answered all my questions.

I think every Japanese people is kind, punctual and with discipline. I think I will bring these things out in my life. This was a great time for me and I hope that I will be back to visit or study in Japan. See you again in Japan.