2022年度活動レポート(一般公募プログラム)第017号 (Aコース)


2日目の6日は空の公共交通機関運営会社となるJAL本社を訪問。JAL Innovation Labにて、コロナ禍で便数が激減するなかで検討が進められていたwithコロナ時代のJALの戦略やDXの取り組みについて話を伺うことができました。またその後、通常は立ち入ることができない、Integrated Operations Controlに入室が許可され、1日に何百便ものJAL便をどのようにコントロールしているかを学びました。



- As a young individual who is very passionate about Japan and its culture I feel super honored to have gotten the opportunity to visit my dream country. Few of the most interesting parts of the visit was the Miraikan Japanese science exhibition and the visit to the Japan Airlines innovation lab and head office. These two occasions taught me a lot regarding the strengths of Japan. As a huge fan of the Japanese culture (especially an anime fan) I was thrilled to explore the country. I believe this opportunity was an eye opening opportunity that gave me a new perspective as to what more should be done in our mother country as well. I was inspired and empowered by the hard work and dedication of the Japanese citizens. I'm truly grateful for everyone that made this opportunity happen. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Japan for the amazing hospitality shown to us, especially I'm so grateful to the Sakura Science exchange program , the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), as well as the host J.F. Oberlin university, for allowing us to witness and embrace the authentic Japanese "Omotenashi". Lastly, but not the least, I would like to add "「このプログラムを通じて、スリランカと日本の有効がさらに深まるコトをお願いしています。」"
- It was a great honor to be able to participate in this event! Thank you for organizing this event, I was able to learn more about Japanese culture and transportation. I hope that I can provide more opinions to the relevant organizations and share them with the students in my department. I hope you can continue to promote this activity, not only to share the knowledge of Japan, but also to promote communication!