2014年度 活動レポート 第17号:静岡大学国際交流センター(2)




さくらサイエンスプログラムで招へいされたインドネシアのBINUS International Schoolの10人の高校生(grade 11, grade 12)と副校長らは、静岡大学の用意した各種のプログラムに参加し、実り多い交流を行った。






















On Tuesday, July 29, we went back to Hamamatsu Campus and visited Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Takeshi Sako. After short introduction, we were divided into 2 groups. My group which consisted of 5 students and Ms. Mariza stayed in the office of Dean. Dr. Sako then explained to us about hot water and methanol industries.
First of all, hot water and methanol industries are methods used in recycling waste such as plastics into useful powder fuel which can replace coal as it will turn into ash after they are burned and thus, it is eco-friendly. Hot water can also be used to decompose faeces into fertilizers for crops.
To decompose them, the water needs to be heated until it reaches around 400 degrees C. However, to maintain high amount of products, the pressure needs to be kept low. The hot water is capable of decomposing plastic to produce carbon dioxide, H2 (gas), ethane and methane. When we decompose faeces, it will produce water, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The result is powder with brown color. Methanol works in the same way as hot water but only needs lower temperature and pressure. The ratio of input power to output powder is 1:4 which is very beneficial.
Finally, after the presentation, Dr. Sako led us to his lab. Inside, there was a giant machine that converts both human and animal faces into fertilizers. I was amazed by the machine since I have never seen that kind of machine before. I am very happy to meet Mr. Sako thought us because re explained everything clearly and also in a way that we could understand easily. He is an inspiration for me as he showed how chemistry can be used in everyday lives which help mankind in facing one of the biggest threats on earth, that is wastes. If I have the chance, I would really like to apply to chemical engineering and participate in helping mankind to make a better world.
(Ms. CECILIA TASYA GUNAWAN, grade 12, BIS Serpong)


As Part of the Sakura Science Exchange Program Program, this afternoon my friends and I got a prestigious opportunity to meet one of Shizuoka University’s best professions in Hamamatsu, Japan. He is professor Michishita, and he teaches in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
So what is very remarkable about this trip? It’s suddenly I become interested in the world of electricity, which I previously never caned about. Together with his assistant and accompanied by his students, Dr. Michishita explained his research on reducing the damage done by lightning on a power and telecommunication system. He used graphs, machines, and a power distribution system model to elaborate on his presentation thoroughly. He even took us to the rooftop of the building (I could see the city of Hamamatsu from above - such a beautiful view-) and pointed out the equipment needed to achieve the main goal, which is to conduct / transmit the energy from lightning safely to the ground so it won’t destroy power systems.
Then I realized that electricity is not only about fixing lamps at home or making sample circuits, but it is broadly used and concerns the safety of people. Therefore, aside from getting the fun and excitement (now this is my opinion regarding electricity!), it is also an honor and a huge responsibility to serve the society using my knowledge and experience.
All in all, I want to thank Professor Michishita who have kindle spend his time for us, and to his partners and associates, and to everyone involved in this lab trip. I am terribly sorry because I can’t state your names one by one but I assure you that what you’re done for me (or us) won’t be forgotten. I really hope to meet everyone in Japan again soon!
(Ms. KRISTIE MARSELA, grade 12, BIS Serpong)