Home >> プログラム >> プログラム詳細(日本(JST)-中国(MOST)ジョイントワークショップ『気候変動』)
Opening Remarks
- 09:30– 10:00
- Welcome Speech
Session 1: Reservoirs, Grasslands and Marine Ecosystems
- 10:00– 10:30
- "Chinese-Japanese cooperative research on regional climate effect of the impoundment process of Three Gorges Reservoir"
- Prof. Masaki SATOH (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, JPN)
- Prof. Xianyan CHEN (National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, CN)
- 10:30– 11:00
- "Integrated assessment and prediction of carbon dynamics in relation to climate changes in grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan and Mongolian Plateaus"
- Dr. Yanhong TANG (Environmental Biology Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies, JPN)
- Prof. Jingyun Fang (Ecology Department, Peking University, CN)
- 11:00– 11:30
- "Response of marine ecological system in the marginal seas to open ocean of the western North Pacific to climate change"
- Prof. Mitsuo UEMATSU (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, JPN)
- Prof. Huiwang GAO (College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, CN)
- 11:30– 13:00
- (invited researchers only)
- Photo Session –
- Networking Lunch -
Session 2: Urbanization, Aerosol Emission and Simulation
- 13:00-13:30
- "Study on emissions, concentrations, transport, and climate impact of black carbon in Northeast Asia"
- Prof. Yutaka KONDO (Department of Earth and Planetary Science,The University of Tokyo, JPN)
- Prof. Jiming Hao, Yuxuan Wang (Institute of Environmental. Sci. and Eng., Tsinghua University, CN)
- 13:30-14:00
- "Impact of Asian Megacity Development on Local to Global Climate Change"
- Prof. Tetsuzo YASUNARI (Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University, JPN)
- Prof. Congbin Fu (College of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, CN)
- 14:00-14:30
- "Study on the Urban Climate Change Mechanism and Advanced Experimental Method in East Asia"
- Prof. Akashi MOCHIDA (Department of Architecture and Building Science, Tohoku University, JPN)
- Prof. Qinglin Meng (School of Architecture, South China University of Technology, CN)
- 14:30-15:00
- - Coffee Break -
Session 3: Technologies for Heat Recovery, Sustainable Agriculture and Thermophotovoltaic
- 15:00-15:30
- "Technical research of waste heat recovery based on reducing carbon dioxide emission"
- Prof. Noriyuki KOBAYASHI (Chemical Engineering, Nagoya University, JPN)
- Prof. Xuan-you Li (Industrial energy conservation research centre, Shandong Academy of Sciences, CN, *Absent)
- 15:30-15:45
- "Study on the stability of soil organic carbon in a chronosequence of paddy soils developed from marine deposit and the technology of increasing soil organic carbon "
- Prof. Ho ANDO (Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, JPN)
*Prof. Jianrong Fu (Environment, Resource, Soil & Fertilizer Institute, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CN, *Absent)
- Prof. Ho ANDO (Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, JPN)
- 15:45–16:15
- "Advanced Thermophotovoltaic Hybrid Technology for Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emission"
- Prof. Kunihito KOUMOTO (Department of Applied Chemistry, Nagoya University, JPN)
- Prof. Ning Wang (Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, CN)
- 16:15 - 16:30
- - Coffee Break -
Session 4: Discussion for future collaboration
“ Future Directions for Climate change R&D and Collaboration between Japan and China”
- 16:30 – 17:15
- Discussion
Guidelines- Brief recap of each project
- new topics
- Strengths and weaknesses of Japanese and Chinese research
- Current environment – infrastructure, equipment, facilities and skills
- Current landscape and what we need to do to move forward
- Are there any new challenges to improve the issues of “Climate Change”?
- Identification of new and innovative collaborations
- Identification of the priorities to focus on in the next 3 years
- Brief recap of each project
- 17:15-17:25
- Concluding Remarks