2024 Activity Report vol.11:Nagasaki University

Activity Report of Open Application Program 2024 vol.11 (Course A)

Studying in Nagasaki
Initiative for Fostering Young Researchers in the Field of Environment and Natural Resources at Can Tho University, Vietnam

Report from Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki University

 From December 15 to 21, 2024, a total of eight participants, seven graduate students and one faculty member from the College of Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho University (CTU), Vietnam, visited Japan. Specific activities included an international exchange seminar, laboratory internship, a tour of private company facilities, and an outdoor field exercise.

 In particular, this program held an international exchange seminar on the first day of the program, which included a special seminar on research in water environment science by Assoc. Prof. Dr. KAGABU Makoto and presentations on the research topics by each participating graduate student.

Activity Report Photo 1
International Exchange Seminar on 16 December 2024 (Special seminar by Assoc. Prof. Dr. KAGABU Makoto)

 The first half of the program consisted of a laboratory internship at the Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory (Prof. Dr. NAKAYAMA Hideki), which conducts research on the recycling of waste biomass, and a tour of a private company facility that recycles food waste into eco-feed and organic fertilizer.

Activity Report Photo 2
Laboratory internships from 16 to 20 December 2024 at the Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory (Prof. Dr. Hideki NAKAYAMA; the first half laboratory internship) and the Water Environment Science Laboratory (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Makoto KAGABU; the latter half laboratory internship).
Activity Report Photo 3
Tour of facilities of Hiraki Kogyo Corporation, which promotes food waste recycling in Nagasaki City (17 December 2024).

 In addition, the latter half of the program included a laboratory internship at the Laboratory of Water Environment Science (Assoc. Prof. Dr. KAGABU Makoto), which conducts research on water resource management policies based on characterization of groundwater, springs, and other water resources, and a field training in the collection and water quality analysis of a group of springs in a field in Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture.

Activity Report Photo 4
Field training of water sampling and water quality analysis of a group of springs at a field site in Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture (19 December 2024).

 The closing ceremony was conducted in a hybrid format with a live online connection to the Vietnamese faculty.

Activity Report Photo 5
Group photo of the NU-CTU Sakura Science Exchange Program 2024 after the closing ceremony on 20 December 2024.

 The graduate students who participated in this program expressed their satisfaction with the substantial content of the program despite its short duration of five days.

 Finally, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the “Sakura Science Program,” Hiraki Kogyo Corporation for their generous support, and to the faculty, staff, and students at Nagasaki University for their cooperation in this program.

[Contact Information]

nakayamah<at>nagasaki-u.ac.jp (Please replace<at> with @, the at symbol)