2023 Activity Report Group 7 : Closing Ceremony

SAKURA SCIENCE High School Program Group 7

Closing Ceremony

On the afternoon of Friday, December 15, high school students from China, Egypt, India, Kenya, and South Africa, who visited Japan on the SAKURA SCIENCE High School Program (SSHP) G7, attended the closing ceremony at the Japan Science and Technology Agency Tokyo Headquarters B1F Conference Room.
This is the final closing ceremony for the SSHP to be held in FY2023.

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At the closing ceremony, officials from the embassies of the various countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology also attended as distinguished guests. The representatives of high school students from various countries gave speeches and shared their frank opinions, impressions and what they have felt and have learned from the Sakura Science High School Program.

■ High School Student Representing China

"Among the many memorable experiences we had, one that was particularly impressive to me was our visit to Meikei High School and our participating in a psychology activity. Using psychological techniques, I understood the difference between introverts and extroverts. While practicing the concepts I learned, I was able to interact with Japanese high school students and to get to know them better and foster a deeper friendship. Also, we were able to bond with our friends from Egypt, India, Kenya, and South Africa."

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■ High School Student Representing Egypt

"I am very honored to be a member of the SSHP together with all of the other outstanding high school students from all over the world. SSHP has given us a powerful experience to realize the power of science. It has also given me a new-found passion for my new goals. We must remember that science connects us and will continue to do so. Science is beautiful and mysterious, which is why we explore, learn, and share."

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■ High School Student Representing India

"It was very special for all of us to have the opportunity to interact with Nobel Prize-winning Professor Kajita. I was able to learn about his research paper on neutrinos and gravitational waves. In Japan, there is a wonderful idea of "Nanakorobiyaoki (getting up after a fall)." People are very polite, punctual, and kind to others. The history of Japan-India relations is very long and strong. In India, we say "Vasudev kudumbhkum." It means "the whole world is our family." I would like to welcome all these respectable people to come to India."

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■ High School Student Representing Kenya

"Being able to participate in this program has changed the way I look at things, and I feel like I've grown more than I could ever have imagined. Understanding the diversity and richness of cultures, I realized the importance of jumping out of my comfort zone and experiencing new things. This program has guided my life in the right direction. When I return home, I will share what I learned with everyone. Also, I would like to encourage everyone actively to interact with people from different backgrounds. I would like to have a positive impact on my home country from my own experiences."

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■ High School Student Representing South Africa

"It was particularly impressed by my visit to the Miraikan, where I learned about future electronic devices and natural resources. Also, it was a great experience to interact with the students at Meikei High School. I was extremely impressed with the way they learned, their concentration and their discipline. I could talk about my experience in the program for a whole day. I will always keep in mind and work hard for the people who made these experiences possible for us. Now, I would like to come to Japan and study as an international student."

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Commemorative Photograph with Completion Certificate