2020 Activity Report vol.14:Osaka Institute of Technology

Activity Report of Open Application Program 2020 vol.14 (Online)

Complete the Program for Acquiring Fundamental Skills for Engineers Who Are Active in a Sustainable Society

Report from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Institute of Technology

From January 19 to 29, 2021, nine undergraduates from the Widya Mandala Catholic University (WMCUS) in Surabaya, Indonesia, and nine undergraduates from the Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) were invited with the support of the Sakura Science Program to an online exchange to implement the "Program for Acquiring Fundamental Skills for Engineers Who Are Active in a Sustainable Society."

In the online exchange, the participants deepened the exchange with the object of exchanging opinions over Zoom on the situations in both countries and the environments in which they find themselves, using the SDGs as a keyword, to understand each other and to acquire skills that can contribute to manufacturing as technicians. Firstly, starting with the introduction of both countries and universities, students from both countries were able to get to know each other by introducing themselves. After that, we divided up the groups and exchanged photos and examples of things that were most interesting to us from the SDGs keyword.

In the introductory lecture, Associate Professor Higashimoto Shinya of the university delivered a basic and recent research example on "the creation of various solar cells related to renewable energy generation technologies.” Participating students listened with great interest, and there were many questions and a lively discussion followed.

We set time for each team using Zoom breakout rooms and other tools to hold discussions and exchanges. In the discussion in English, Indonesian students had no difficulty because they are accustomed to doing so. However, many Japanese students had poor English conversation skills and also had a high hurdle because it was online, which made it very difficult for them. However, in the second half of the program, people relaxed and began to enjoy themselves and have very lively discussions.

On the last day, presentations were given by each team summarizing what was discussed in relation to the SDGs. They also introduced Indonesia and WMCUS. The students seemed a little nervous, but they gave magnificent presentations in English. The Japanese students felt that they need further to develop their ability to communicate in English, and therefore, we felt that it was very worthwhile to hold an online exchange program.

Lastly, we would like to thank JST for their great support in implementing this team training experience program. We hope to use this valuable experience further to develop the skills of students on both sides so that they will play an active role in the global society.

Views of the Exchange of Opinions Among Program Participants
Introducing Native Foods and Culture