2020 Activity Report vol.13:Hiroshima University

Activity Report of Open Application Program 2020 vol.13 (Alternative Online)

Technology's Role in Achieving the SDGs

Report from the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University held the "Technology's Role in Achieving the SDGs (December 15-23)," a Japan-India exchange program setup to consider ways of solving the SDGs issues in both countries in an online exchange composed of Japanese and Indian students through an understanding of science and technology. Through the implementation of this program, Hiroshima University wants to build mutual understanding and a collaborative relationship between the students of Japan and India who will be saddled with the responsibility of conducting future scientific and technical research, to build a foundation linking the education of our university in the future and those four universities in India for collaborative research by having them learn about our training and research, and to prime them to advance on to graduate school.

A total of 16 undergraduates participated in the program: 4 undergraduates from Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai University, 7 undergraduates from Birla University of Technology and Science at the Pilani campus, and 5 undergraduates from Hiroshima University. Undergraduates participated from various fields such as electrical and electronic engineering and civil engineering.

Students heard lectures in various fields on research related to leading-edge technical developments by faculty members of the three participating universities, and were taught a variety of science and technology information. In addition to sharing issues of Japan and India related to the SDGs and the status of their implementation, we also focused on group work to propose solutions using the science and technology learned through this exchange program.

Participating students were very motivated to learn and not necessarily in their own field of expertise. They were also actively engaged in small daily reports, despite the lectures on research content being difficult. For participants from India, it was an opportunity to learn about science and technology from Japan and Hiroshima University, and for the undergraduate students of Hiroshima University, it was a good opportunity to listen to the English lectures given by Indian faculty members.

In the mixed group work of the Japanese and Indian students, the Japanese and Indian students were divided into four groups to share the specific social problems that Japan and India face. The students actively exchanged opinions on the background of the social problems and the differences in culture and life between Japan and India. In addition, the students learned that in order to solve problems, not only are scientific and technological development and their applications important, but so are the partnerships between Japan and India and in different disciplines.

During the group work presentation on the last day, each group made very full presentations despite the short period of time. Lastly, all participants voted for the Best Presentation Award.

In the post-program survey, all participating students indicated that this interaction was beneficial to them and that they were able to obtain useful information and knowledge through the exchange program. Furthermore, more than 80% of the students said that they were satisfied with their online exchanges and that they were motivated for long-term study overseas in the future. We also had inquiries about internships and graduate studies at Hiroshima University. We hope that this program will generate further international exchanges.

Virtual Lab Tour on the Website
Group of Students Who Won the Best Presentation Award
Group Photo