Activity Report of Open Application Course vol.30
Japan and Thailand exchange program to learn efforts in food-value chains focusing on Miyagi Prefecture
Report from Miyagi University
From January 20 to 24, 2019, Professors and students from King Mongkut’s University of Technology (Thailand), one of the university's affiliated schools, received assistance from the Sakura Science Exchange Program to visit Japan and conduct academic exchanges with faculty and students from the School of Food Industrial Sciences.
Professor Pravate Tuitemwong of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, and two students with a food major at the Faculty of Science came to study at our school. This time, relevant faculty from our university gave lectures and exchanged views on the theme of "efforts in food-value chains focusing on Miyagi Prefecture."

In the program, Prof. Inoue Tatsushi gave a lecture on the food industry and food system in Japan, and in addition to introducing the foundations of the food industry in Japan, and in addition to an introduction of the fundamentals of the food industry in Japan, Prof. Kasahara Shin gave lectures on microbiology and unused biological resources, lectured giving specific examples on the development of environmental controls and restoration techniques and unused biological resources using microbiological functions that have been coming under focus in Thailand.
Also, Prof. Iwai Takayoshi also gave lectures on plant physiology and molecular biology, and in addition to discussing effective pesticides derived from plant and efficient disease prevention methods, Associate Prof. Komoda Toshikazu gave lectures on food hygiene management and HACCP.

In addition, the participants visited food processing companies, and the like in the prefecture and talked about efforts to add higher value to the products. Prof. Tuitemwong, who came to Japan, said, "I could feel on my skin that higher education in Japan is practiced on the basis of collaboration with local businesses and municipalities. I would like to discuss the possibilities of conducting joint research and internships at King Mongkut’s University of Technology and Miyagi University in the future.”

In the future, Miyagi University will continue to collaborate with all institutions, including the overseas affiliated schools for academic research, and to promote globalization.