2018 Activity Report vol.15:Kumamoto University

Activity Report of Open Application Course vol.15

International joint research program with young researchers of Dhaka University, Bangladesh

Report from the Graduation School of Science and Technology
Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory
Kumamoto University
(academic major in Material & Life Chemistry)

Three young researchers (two faculty members and one graduate student) from the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh were invited for a period of 16 days, from June 24th to July 10th, 2018, to the Kumamoto University supramolecular chemistry laboratory, for the purpose of international collaborative research on the analysis of organic molecules in environmental water samples, and collaborative research and exchanges with young researchers and students of Kumamoto University, and the program was implemented.

At the entrance of the building in the Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry

Collaborative research program

In collaborative research, they held advanced science lectures on stationary phases for liquid chromatography research being done at Kumamoto University, and analyzed organic components in environmental water samples using high performance liquid chromatography. They learned about a water pretreatment method, management method, and detectors.. They created opportunities to discuss the analysis results, and exchanged opinions. Their enthusiastic listening and their way of conducting the discussion was very impressive.

State of experiments

In addition to advanced science lectures in the field of supramolecular chemistry and materials chemistry, conducted by the faculty members of Kumamoto University, a short presentation of research topics by young researchers and students was conducted. In addition to this, lectures about the industries in Bangladesh and group discussion to introduce regular life and culture etc., were also held by the faculty members of the University of Dhaka. It seemed to be a good opportunity for exchanges by the young researchers. And they took place in a lively atmosphere, while deepening mutual understanding.

Discussion about experiments
Lecture by Dhaka University faculty member

Experience program

In the experience program, they visited and observed the Kumamoto Industrial Research Center, which is the research and development center of the prefecture, and also listened to an explanation about the JST regional innovation program that is being promoted in the Kumamoto region focusing on this center. They also visited facilities whose manufacturing involved gas, cosmetics and automobiles. It seemed that they learned a lot about advanced technology and manufacturing in Japan.

On the weekend, they visited national parks in Kumamoto City and the Aso area, and went on nature and cultural experience tours. They visited a water source, volcanic museums, and historical landmarks in Kumamoto City. They were exposed to the rich nature, climate and history of Kumamoto, and it seemed that they were learning while having fun. They also had the opportunity to observe the state of restoration from the Kumamoto earthquake such as the restoration of Kumamoto Castle and Kumamoto University. It seemed that their interest in the Japanese culture deepened once again, through these experience programs.

They would like to thank every faculty and staff member of Kumamoto University in implementing this program, and also the young researchers and graduate students of Kumamoto University who actively participated in international exchanges. They also deeply appreciate the SAKURA Exchange Program in Science for offering great support.

At Suizenji Park