Activity Report of Open Application Course vol.37
Asian School on Superconductivity and Cryogenics for Accelerators (ASSCA)
Report from Professor Hirotaka Nakai, Accelerator Division,
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Today, not only in Japan and the rest of Asia but everywhere in the world we can see attempts to create large accelerators appearing one after another, and to create such cutting edge accelerators, superconducting technology is vital. During the period from December 10 to December 18, 2017 School on Superconductivity and Cryogenics for Accelerators (ASSCA) was held at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), a facility for inter-university research. For the School, we invited young researchers and students of the Asian nations, where it is expected that the demand for superconducting accelerators will increase in the future.
The program was supported by the SAKURA Exchange Program in Science, and enjoyed participation of accelerators-related researchers and students from India, a country that as a national policy is currently putting a lot of energy into development of science and technology. A total of seven persons from India received support of the SAKURA Science: four persons of the Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) of New Delhi (one teacher and three students), two students of the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) of Calcutta, and one student of the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology of Indore.

At the School, the participants not only were given lectures on superconductivity and cryogenics, but also, and the organizers considered this aspect highly important, were provided with actual training in many kinds of superconductivity and cryogenic cooler facilities of KEK, which has one of the most advanced accelerators in the world.
From December 11 to December 16:
We organized a series of lectures on three themes, namely, superconducting magnets, superconducting cavities, and cryogenic technologies required to cool this superconductive equipment. During the training, the students were divided into three groups, each of them spent two days learning each of the subjects, and in six days all students have completed the course.

During the period, the participants were provided with lunches. Since the school enjoyed participation of many students from India and Pakistan, we ordered food from an Indian restaurant nearby and also made vegetarian and halal menu available.
December 16:
In the evening of the last day of the lectures and training, we organized a social gathering preparing a snack bar with Japanese food. For this occasion also we had vegetarian food on the menu to accommodate our Indian guests. Also, although due to timetable limitations we did not plan inspection of the facilities at first, as many of the Indian students voiced their wish to see them, we organized inspection tours during lunch breaks.

December 17 (Sun.):
The guests were taken on a charter bus from KEK to Sumida Aquarium and Asakusa. It was the end of the year and the time of Hagoita-Ichi (Battledore Fair) at the Senso-ji, so there were crowds everywhere, but the guests seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere of Japan. Visit to the aquarium also was surprisingly popular among Indian students.

in Asakusa