2017 Activity Report vol.28:University of Miyazaki

Activity Report of Open Application Course vol.28

“Learn Today; Lead Tomorrow” Biomedical and Environmental Technology Training in Japan for Society development in India

Report from University of Miyazaki

In this SSP Plan # S2017F080149, a total of 10 participants (4 faculties and 6 students) and one coordinator arrived from 8 different universities, colleges and IITs, at Miyazaki Airport on 14th Dec 2018 via Haneda airport. They were received at the airport by University of Miyazaki staff. “A warm sunshine with cold breeze really boost the stay at Miyazaki” India side coordinator Prof. K. M. Gothandam commented immediately after his arrival. On the same day we had a welcome party in downtown Miyazaki restaurant. Participants were surprised to see the pollution less and dust free roads of Miyazaki.

Welcome snap at Miyazaki airport

Next day, 15th Dec 2018, participants registered for orientation programe at Faculty of Medicine. The principal investigator Dr. Harishkumar Madhyastha explained about the program and the participants had delicious lunch at university cafeteria. In the afternoon, participants performed the TEM/SEM study. Mr. Goto helped the participants to analyze their own hair sample and nano particles.

TEM & SEM demonstration of nano materials

On 16th Dec. 2018 participants visited distilled sprit processing waste recycling plant of Kirishima Shuzo Co., Ltd. to understand the concept of watt from waste. Mr. Okumura, Factory in charge briefed about the facility. Participants were enthralled about the state of the art system “Why can’t India implement this technology?” pondered Dr. Hemant Kumar Daima. In the afternoon participants also visited Eco Clean Plaza Miyazaki, waste recycle unit at Miyazaki city and learned the concept of waste recycle system of Japan.

Industrial visit: Kirishima Shouchu factory: Watt from waste

On Sunday 17th Dec, participants visited Udo Jingu Shinto Shrine and Aoshima Shrine, which are known as the mythological birth place of Japan. They explored the beautiful nature of Miyazaki prefecture and experienced the life style of local people through Kimono fitting and Japanese manner lecture. Participants were taken to Japan village near Miyazaki and explored the villager’s life style including, kimono, food and culture system of Japan. Kimono and Japanese food Sushi were completely different from that of India style; participants thoroughly enjoyed the kimono wearing ceremony and they had nice photo shoot in front of the university main entrance. “I want to buy this Kimono: Is it available in India? - Dr. Sneha Singh”.

Tasting the Japanese food
Participants with Kimono at University main gate

On Tuesday and Wednesday (19th and 20th Dec.2018), participants performed experiments on waste water metal analysis especially Arsenic by ICPS, EDAX and also experiments on NMR facility of the university.

Participants analyzing the waste water

After the lab experiments participants interacted with the President of University of Miyazaki and Dean of Faculty of Medicine. The interaction concluded with the possible collaborations with Indian universities and revisit programs of the students to Japan university for further studies. 21st Dec. Ms. Anamika Singh and Mr. Soumalya Mukherjee wanted to test their research material through NMR. Dr Mohana Seenivasan enquired “What is the process of having joint collaborator research work to use all these high-end instruments”. After demonstration of various instruments at central facility of university, there was a brain storm session on future research with participants sample analysis. Participants completed the in vitro fibrinolysis experiment at physiology laboratory. These experiments had great impact on the participants because of its simple procedure, where they can do the same experiment in their laboratory after going back to India.
“I want to incorporate this as master’s practical curriculum at my university- Dr. Devendra Jain”. This particular statement showed the impact of this whole program. Finally, participants received their SSP-JST and UOM certificates on valedictory day.

Session on NMR
Laboratory experiments on in vitro fibrinolysis

Certificate was distributed by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki. They returned to India with the long-lasting memory of Japan’s science, technology and culture.

Certificate of attendance with memory of Japan`s Science and Technology training