2017 Activity Report vol.10:Nagaoka University of Technology

Activity Report of Open Application Course vol.10

Scientific technology exchange with young Thai and Malaysian students who will lead the next generation

Report from the Nagaoka University of Technology

Continuing from last year, the SAKURA Exchange Program in Science made it possible for the Nagaoka Univ. of Technology to invite university faculty and students from Thailand and Malaysia for a ten-day program running from November 9 to November 18, 2017. Five graduate students and one faculty member came from Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), and three graduate students and one faculty member came from the University of Science Malaysia (Malaysia). The program consisted of seminar classes and research activities.

The Nagaoka Univ. of Technology formed partnerships with Chulalongkorn Univ. in 2012 and the Univ. of Science-Malaysia in 2012. Since then, we have actively exchanged faculty members and students.

In the recent program, participants were placed in laboratories conducting research on substance/material and electrical/electronic information, as well as laboratories of the Analysis and Information Center.


Participants conduct experiments and research

Through the program, participants received first-hand experience with advanced Japanese technology and engaged in communication with Japanese students. This made it possible to form a close research partnership. As such, the program made an extremely meaningful contribution to future friendships with countries in Southeast Asia.

As in the recent program, it is important for young Japanese, Thai, and Malaysian students who will lead future generations to engage in research exchange through Japanese leadership. We will continue to promote partnerships in order to construct new joint research networks based on this exchange.

On a free day during their stay, participants accompanied Japanese faculty and students on a bus tour of Zenkoji Temple in Nagano Prefecture. The foreign students truly enjoyed the colored autumn leaves, traditional Japanese neighborhoods, and delicious flavor of sweet fruit.


At Zenkoji Temple

The bus tour was held on a free day outside of the research seminar. The tour was a valuable opportunity to deepen understanding towards Japanese culture and to foster mutual communication between the foreign students and Japanese students.

Through the program, students were able to heighten their global sense in respective research fields and to increase their motivation for exchange activities. The program successfully constructed a foundation for mutual cooperation among the three countries.

On the day before foreign students returned home, a farewell party was held in a laboratory. Japanese students made Japanese food. All of the foreign students had a wonderful time, and showed great interest in Japanese food such as hand-rolled rolls and udon.

Getting ready for the farewell party
写真2 Group photograph at the farewell party

Although the program only lasted for ten days, it was an outstanding opportunity for international exchange among the students and faculty members of all three universities.

Students hold their completion certificates