After Participating in the Program

East Asia

China, 26, Graduate school studentOpen Application Program | 2019

My awareness of Japan and its culture was changed by participating in the Sakura Science Exchange Program. Everything I knew about Japan, from my initial curiosity about Japan to my later understanding of Japan's various customs and unique national spirituality was changed. Furthermore, my horizons were expanded in many ways, including that for scientific research. In the process of communicating with Japanese people, I was able to re-examine my shortcomings and also deeply realize my need to learn.

Korea, 22, College studentOpen Application Program | 2019

I was able to make friends with Japanese students, which makes the best memory for me and my life. I hope I will have more opportunities like this.

Korea, 23, College studentOpen Application Program | 2019

I had a very pleasant time in Japan. I will never forget this experience. It's a really good program, so I would also like actively to recommend it to my friends.

Mongolia, 16, High school studentOpen Application Program | 2019

I felt that I was being guided to new perspectives and to the world. I only have an impression of actual life in Japan through information on the Internet, so I am very grateful for every moment I experienced during my stay.

Taiwan, 25, Graduate school studentOpen Application Program | 2019

I am very grateful for your giving me the opportunity to learn more on genomic research methods. In addition to practical support for research methods and its tools, I experienced a cultural shock and learned a great deal from the strict yet delicate attitudes Japanese people have toward their work and research.

China, 15, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

School education in Japan emphasizes the building of character and autonomy. It is very attractive to have a wide range of cultural exchanges because they accept many international students.

China, 16, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

I became more interested in science and technology and I began to understand the importance of science and technology. Also, when we think about things, and try to do something, we must first think about the common benefit of mankind. I began to believe that it is unacceptable to have a narrow field of view.

China, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

Garbage separation is very strict in Japan in order to recycle and reuse garbage. Also, they use the heat generated from burning garbage for heated pools. When I get home, I also want to contribute to separating garbage.

Taiwan, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

Japan is an academic sanctuary. I want to learn Japanese language for the future.

China, 20, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I thought Japan is far beyond my expectations. By looking at Japan with my own eyes, I noticed with surprise that there are many differences between China and Japan. I would like to learn more about Japanese culture and the Japanese education system. I think I have broadened my horizons by participating in the program.

China, 16, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

Some Japanese schools certainly outperform Chinese schools, and their learning environment and curriculum are wonderful. Besides, the cost of studying in Japan is small compared to studying abroad in Europe or the United States.

China, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I understand more about Japanese culture and the Japanese education system. I think I broadened my horizons by interacting with students of my age from different countries. I was lucky to be able to catch a glimpse of Japanese advanced science and technology.

China, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I learned that the courtesy of Japan is very sensible, the society is developing very well, and ergonomics is well adopted in any facility.

Korea, 26, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

It was wonderful to learn the methods of experimentation and application of the tools used in experiments in the program. People are very caring and friendly, and have a strong sense of responsibility. Before I participated in this program, I had no idea what molecular biology was, but now I understand what is going on in the laboratory. The landscape in Japan is also wonderful and I would like to visit Japan again sometime in the future.

Mongolia, 17, High school studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I wanted to study in the US, but I changed my mind and decided to study at a Japanese university in the future after visiting Japan by participating in the SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program. I love Japan now.

Taiwan, 28, ResearcherOpen Application Program | 2017

In Taiwan, dysphagia is not recognized as a problem yet. But I learned about its prevention and care while I was in Japan. I think I will be able to offer better care to the patients who suffer from dysphagia in the future.

Southeast Asia

Indonesia, 45, Faculty memberOpen Application Program | 2019

The Sakura Science Exchange Program is the best program to encourage students and researchers, especially in developing countries, to acquire new knowledge and experience in Japan and to grow. We were able better to understand the topic of disaster risk reduction.

Singapore, 24, College studentOpen Application Program | 2019

I was impressed by the people-centered nature of Japan's nursing care system. I began to think about that we need to adopt that philosophy in Singapore. I also thought the system was comprehensive, but I also felt that the cost of care was quite high. For that reason, without compromising on the efficacy of the system, we examined what could be done to improve the cost balance. I hope that by sharing our observations we will ultimately be able to help to improve our services and innovations.

Philippines, 19, College studentOpen Application Program | 2019

By experiencing Japanese food and culture, I was able to learn how to reduce salt. Japanese people and Filipinos have subtle differences in food preferences. Filipinos tend to consume more salt. I was able to understand why cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the Philippines through lifestyle and diet.

Malaysia, 21, College studentOpen Application Program | 2019

I learned that the combination of technology and nature plays a major role in a country's development and in Japan's socio-economic development. People are not only very interested in improving their quality of life, but they also prove that not ignoring nature is the right path toward attaining a sustainable lifestyle. I would also like to make these initiatives more well-known to the general public in Malaysia.

Brunei, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

What I learned in this program is that if you really want to succeed in a certain field, you must work hard and with passion. It is important to get to know experts and people who are interested in that field, and work together with them. I also had a sense of the reality of the importance of leadership and teamwork.

Cambodia, 21, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

The scenery I saw in Hokkaido was just the same as the scenery I saw on YouTube. It is really beautiful and I was surprised at the high standard of living in Japan. I would like to learn about my specialty field of mining, and I would like to be able to propose solutions to the environmental problems in my home country in the future.

Indonesia, 20, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

Solutions to the issues of the aging society must be addressed on a global level, but in Japan, they have already established specific measures especially in the field of nutrition. As a person aiming to be a nutritionist in the future, I am determined to learn a lot from Japan.

Malaysia, 21, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I have admired Japan since I was little, and I finally stepped on to Japanese soil. This expereince drove me to have passion for Japanese spirituality and the landscapes of Japan. I was also impressed by the fact that the people here are so conscientious about everything and handle situations in such a sincere manner.

Myanmar, 30, Graduate school studentOpen Application Program | 2017

Sakura SCIENCE Exchange Program is very popular in Myanmar, and everyone wants to participate in it. Because I was one of them, I was so happy that my dream of participating in the program had come true. I was amazed by the advanced technology, the culture, and the nature of the people. I will definitely recommend this program to my friends when I return back home.

The Philippines,17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I think the education level of Japanese universities is the best, and Japan is certainly the best place to pursue professional and technical goals.

Laos, 20, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

We were able to perform experiments using equipment which is not available at our college back home. I am glad that I learned a new skill. Despite the fact that Japan is an advanced country, there is no air polution, but rather it is clean and beautiful wherever we go.

Singapore, 19, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

Participating in the program was very pleasant and helpful. I was dreaming of seeing Japan, and finally my dream came true. I was happy to learn about Japanese culture, and the Japanese lifestyle as well. I observed the unique Japanese point of view and I think I can make good use of that knowledge in the future.

Thailand, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

If possible, I would like to participate in a Japanese high school class again. I want to learn more about the science that the Japanese students are learning.

Vietnam, 21, College studentHigh School Program | 2017

What most impressed me is that the subway is very fast and convenient. I want to return to Japan sometime in the future, so I decided to start studying Japanese.

East Timor, 19, High school studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I saw how Japanese learn things and how they work. I am going to ask the Japanese government to invite more young people from my country to study in Japan.

Southwest Asia

India, 26, Faculty memberOpen Application Program | 2019

This was one of the best experiences of my life. I began to want to become more like a Japanese person not only because of Japanese technology, but also because of their hardworking values, balanced way of life and ethical view. Through this program, I was able to learn why Japan has the best education system in the world.

India, 16, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

I think there is a language problem with Japanese, but I think Japanese universities provide high-quality education so I would like to consider studying here as an exchange student.

India, 18, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

I learned that curiosity is meaningful in itself and that it is important not to stop being curious.

Bhutan, 18, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

I thought that in order to become world famous, I need adequately to learn, but after coming to Japan, I learned that I need to learn and to study even more.

Bangladesh, 15, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I was convinced that science exists for all human beings. I also realized that it is important for the people in the world to work together in order to advance science.

Bhutan, 22, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I had the opportunity to experience the latest technology in Japan, which is one of the advanced countries. I felt like I was visiting a fantasy world.

India, 20, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I learned that how Japanese think about things is simple, and they are nice to others. Tokyo is a much more orderly city compared to the cities in India with half the population of Tokyo. I think we have a lot to learn from Japan in how to conduct business-academia collaboration. Despite the fact that Japan is a developed country, people there are surprisingly polite and helpful. I was never lonely and never got lost during my stay.

Maldives, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2017

I learned that there are excellent universities in the field of science, which stimulates my desire to learn in Japan. At the same time, I felt that the Japanese education system is well balanced in that it does not just pursue theory.

Nepal, 26, Graduate school studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I saw with my own eyes what I only saw in textbooks before and gained experience through SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program. The lectures, facility tours, and experiments, etc., provided through this program, were wonderful.

Pakistan, 19, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

These were the best days in my life. The program was full of exciting events, and I was so interested in learning about Japanese culture, which is quite different from ours.

Sri Lanka, 23, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I know that the people in Sri Lanka, my home country, have a wonderful nature and wisdom, but I came to realize that, when I saw Japan, they are not quite able to take advantage of that in real life.

Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan, 26, Graduate school studentOpen Application Program | 2019

This is a surprising, very intensive and extensive program. I have learned a lot of new things. The program aroused a desire in me to learn more about many new things and about Japanese culture and education.

Kazakhstan, 20, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I am motivated to learn AI in a master’s program of the University of Tokyo after participating in SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program. Robots used to exist in a dream world for me and I saw the real thing with my own eyes at close range. A sense of responsibility grew in me to show the children in my home country how to operate robots.

Tajikistan, 18, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I have never seen one Japanese who did not pay respect to others. This is the most important thing and that is the very reason why I would like to visit Japan again and work.

Turkmenistan, 25, SupervisorHigh School Program | 2018

Participating in SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program stimulated my interest in science and technology. I want to be a part of it, because the development of science and technology will help to improve people’s lives.

The Pacific Ocean and Others

Samoa, 20, College studentOpen Application Program | 2019

I was able to deepen my understanding regarding natural disasters, especially about the unpredictable movements of earthquakes and devastating tsunamis. I also learned about seismology and the latest technology to counteract earthquakes. Building disaster resistant construction designs and agricultural research are extremely beneficial. I would like to be helpful to Samoa by employing what I learned in this program.

Palau, 15, High school studentOpen Application Program | 2019

I learned what the Japanese think about air pollution that has occurred in the past and eco-cars that were eco-friendly, and how communities work to reduce air pollution. I will take what I learned back to my home country and make Palau cleaner than it is today.

Colombia, 27, Graduate school studentOpen Application Program | 2019

It was a unique experience for me. I know about other countries, but there is no place like Japan. I was impressed by Japanese culture and the way of life of the Japanese people. I felt the peace of mind through interaction with Japanese people.

Tonga, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

I learned that everyone plays a role in building their country.

Papua New Guinea, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

I was able to experience Japanese culture which is completely different from the culture in my home country. I was able to deepen my love of science through my visits to various facilities. Everyone was very kind and I was very comfortable.

Papua New Guinea, 38, SupervisorHigh School Program | 2019

I learned that countries need to be responsible for ensuring that the environment is not contaminated while it is developing.

Brazil, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2019

I have been a fan of Japan since childhood through animation. I like Japan even more now because lately my interest in science and technology has grown. Studying in Japan is my first choice because I was able to learn various things and I had many chances to experience things by coming to Japan.

Solomon Islands, 18, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I learned that Japanese people work in an organized fashion, respect others, and are full of love. Everywhere we went, it was wonderful.

Tonga, 40, College studentOpen Application Program | 2017

I never heard of the occupation called Industrial doctor till I visited Japan. We do not have such an occupation in my home country, but I strongly felt the needs of industrial doctors to protect the health and safety of workers and to increase productivity as well.

Brazil, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I think that education is valued very much in Japan and it is wonderful that there is a big investment in research and innovation.

Mexico, 17, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I learned that it is very important to have a vision for the future, that is, to think about the future of the world as well as the present.

Peru, 16, High school studentHigh School Program | 2018

I saw that Japan is neat, rich in culture, and I learned that Japan is the best place to learn science.