Sakura Science Exchange ProgramSakura Science Exchange Program Sakura Science Exchange Program


TICAD8 Side Event
“Japan−Africa University Exchange Conference”

TICAD8 Side Event
“Japan−Africa University Exchange Conference”


Africa contains about a quarter of all UN member states and continues to increase its presence in the international community. Africa has also built a strong relationship with Japan, despite geographical distance, and it is important for both sides to recognize one another as important partners that will benefit from even closer cooperation in future.

In most of the world's academic exchanges, brain circulation tends to occur through a network centered on Europe and the United States. Therefore, to promote more Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) cooperation and the mutual growth of our human resources, Japan and Africa should create an environment that makes it easier for young researchers and students to select each other as study abroad and career development destination.

To revitalize people−to−people exchanges promoting inter−university collaboration between Japan and Africa, JST proposes inviting young African researchers and students to Japan through the Sakura Science Exchange Program. Participants will share the importance of face−to−face interaction through actual invitation programs.

Through the expansion of youth / student exchanges, both Japan and Africa will accelerate the globalization of their universities and the development of excellent human resources who will play an active role on the world stage.

This event will attempt to address the issue as part of "Japan−Africa Science Innovation Week" and the "Research Cooperation in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) for Sustainable Development between Japan and Africa" conference to be held on August 24th and 25th.

Introduction of Sakura Science Exchange Program :

Title: “Japan−Africa University Exchange Conference”
Date: Monday, August 22, 2022
Part 1: Plenary session 10:30–11:10 (Greenwich Mean Time,GMT)
Part 2: President's Round Table Meeting 11:20–12:30 (GMT)
Venue: Online meeting
Language: English
Organizer: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Co−organizer: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), University of Tsukuba,
Japan−Africa Academic Network (JAAN)
Auspices: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA),
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Part 1 “Plenary session” (40 minutes)

(1) Opening Remarks and Speech (5 minutes each)

  • ・President of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
  • ・The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

(2) Presentation (5 minutes each)

  • ・Dr. Yoichiro Matsumoto, Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • ・Prof. Amr Adly, President, Egypt−Japan University of Science and Technology
  • ・Prof. Kyosuke Nagata, President, University of Tsukuba
  • ・Prof. Victoria Wambui Ngumi, Ph. D., EBS, Vice Chancellor, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

(3) Introduction of Sakura Science Program and suggestion from SSP (5 minutes)

(4) Declaration of “Japan−Africa University Exchange Conference” (5 minutes)

Part 2 “Japan−Africa University President's Round Table Meeting” (70 minutes)

(1) Introduction (2 minutes)

(2) Presentation by 11universities in 2 Groups (55minutes)

(3) Discussion (10minutes)

(4) Closing Remarks (3minutes)

 Dr. Kishi Teruo, Director−General, Sakura Science Program Headquarters,Japan Science and Technology Agency

*President's Round Table Meeting will be for selected invitees only.

Participating universities