SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program online event

SAKURA SCIENCE Exchange Program online event
"Sharing case studies of building strong and productive collaboration between Japan and African countries"

Despite the geographical gap between the African region and Japan, there is a long history of productive collaborations in the academic field, and further exchange between the two regions is expected in the future. With sharing successful case studies of various exchanges between the two regions, their potential and the factors behind their success would be found for further development.

Venue: Zoom Webinar (Pre-registration needed)
Date & Time: Tuesday July 23, 2024
10:00-12:00 (West Africa Time, GMT+1)
12:00-14:00 (East Africa Time, GMT+3)
18:00-20:00 (Japan Standard Time, GMT+9)
Language: English
Participation fee: Free

(1) Opening 15min

Opening Address 5min
Introduction of Programs for International Collaborations 10min
(Sakura Science Exchange Program, AJ-CORE, SATREPS)

(2) Lecture Sharing case studies of Japan-Africa exchange efforts 45min

  • Prof. Shuji HASHIMOTO, First Vice President of International and Regional Affairs,
    Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. Bernard W. Ikua, PhD, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance,
    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Prof. Motoki TAKAHASHI, Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies,
    Kyoto University

(3) Discussion 50min

Moderator: Dr. Chitoshi MIKI, Advisor, JST
Theme: Key factors and expectations for the development of Japan-Africa exchanges

(4) Closing 5min
