Report in May 2020 ①

Report about Sars-Cov-2 in VietNam

April 23rd, 2020

1. Situation of the Covid-19 infection in Vietnam

The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic was confirmed to have spread to Vietnam on 23 January 2020. After 3 months, as of 23 April 2020, there were 268 confirmed cases, 224 recoveries, and no deaths. More than 174,000 tests has been performed. Hanoi is currently the most affected city with 112 confirmed cases and until now had 81 cases recoveries. The situation of Covid19 in Vietnam can be divided into 2 episodes.

Firstly, On 23 January, Vietnam confirmed the first two cases of COVID-19, a Chinese man travelling from Wuhan to Hanoi to visit his son who lived in Vietnam, and his son, who was believed to have contracted the disease from his father. A week later, three positive cases were confirmed by the Ministry of Health, involving Vietnamese nationals who had returned from Wuhan. Total Vietnam had 16 Positive cases. On 25 February, the 16th case was released from the hospital after being tested negative from the COVID-19, temporarily made Vietnam cleared from COVID-19 outbreak. However, quarantine measures continue to be imposed until further notice.

Secondly, On 6 March night, Hanoi urgently announced a new case of coronavirus, the first one found in the capital of Vietnam. The patient, a 26-year-old woman, had been traveling across Europe during the outbreak. Until now a total of 252 positive cases were reported. Since 17 April, no more cases have been confirmed so far.

The measures taken by government to control this virus infection.

The Vietnamese Government has well controlled the situation of Covid-19 infection by synchronously implementing comprehensive and effective anti-pandemic solutions including,

  • Temporarily stop operating of school, university from January 23, 2019 to the present.
  • Temporarily stop operating public service (not include: food, medicine) establishments from March 28 to the end of April 22.
  • Mobilize military forces to participate in pandemic prevention.
  • Conduct social distancing from April 1, 2020 to April 22, 2020.
  • Strictly control all cases of entry Vietnam.
  • Conducting medical declarations for cases of entry into Vietnam starting March 7, 2020.
  • All cases of entry into Vietnam from 21st, March, 2020 are isolated for 14 days and conduct testing Covid-19 for early detection of cases. When a positive case is reported, steps are taken to immediately surround the outbreak, carry out disinfection, quarantine and quarantine of the exposed sujects at different levels from F1 to F5 (F1 are the subjects in direct contact with positive cases, F2 are the subjects in direct contact with F1...). Testing all suspected subjects to detect early cases.
    “Protect the health and safety of the doctors and health workers and give encouragement to the people who participate in the frontline to fight pandemic.
  • Strict handling, including criminal handling, of cases relating to the failure to comply with isolation measures.
  • Disseminate widely to people about pandemic prevention measures (especiallywashing hand, wearing mask, keep distancing aleast 2 m at public area, stay home)

Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Trust in government leadership
  • Strictly abide by the regulations recommended by the government
  • People unite and share difficulties in the pandemic stage

Covid-19 are affecting my daily life and work

  • Children do not go to school, so caregivers are needed
  • Interrupted social activities (including cultural activities, playing activities, sports, etc.) affecting mental life
  • Work is restricted due to the social distancing.
  • Research activities stalled due to government regulations

Some illustrative images

Social distancing
Wearing mask in public area

Contributed by Nguyen Thi Hoa, Hanoi, Vietnam