Report in April 2020

A brief report of COVID−19 situation in Pakistan

Dr. Muhammad Adnan Saeed, Lecturer, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan. (13th April, 2020)

Total confirmed cases 5,374
Recovered 1,095
Critical 44
Deaths 93
Deserted road in Karachi during COVID−19 lockdown. (Express News)

Measures taken by the government to control this virus infection:

Govt. of Pakistan has taken following steps to curtail virus spread

  • Nationwide quarantine by suspending international flight operations, partially seizing international borders and partial lock down in the country to restrict mass trafficking. Under the lock down situation educational institutes, private organizations and public offices have been closed or operating with limited staff where essentially required.
  • At federal level Ministry of national health services, regulation and coordination is overseeing the public health related matters. Ministry is providing real time situation monitoring system for public and creating awareness. There are 139 quarantine facilities with a capacity of 23,557 beds. Additionally 215 hospitals are providing isolation facility with 2,942 beds. Around 35 tertiary care hospitals have been designated for treatment of COVID−19 patients. There are 25 designated laboratories for conducting diagnostic test.
  • Public awareness is being created by electronic, print and social media.
  • National disaster management authority (NDMA) is responsible for risk assessment, procurement and provision of essential supplies for healthcare workers and hospitals.
  • Military troops have been deployed in cities to facilitate civil administration for quarantine measures and lock down.
  • The Ministry of Planning has estimated that 12.3 million to 18.5 million people will become jobless due to pandemic. To tackle with this crisis, "Ehsaas Emergency Cash program" has been planned in the context of the economic hardship being experienced by the vulnerable due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis. Pak rupees (Rs: 144 billion) are being distributed among needy people as Rs: 12000/− per family.
  • A charitable PM corona relief fund has been established.
  • Govt. has established a team of volunteers called "Corona relief tiger force" to help govt. in implementation of corona relief activities. So far now, 917395 volunteers have been registered.
People waiting to receive free ration from government in Sindh. (The conversation)

Lesson learnt by pandemic:

Pakistani nation has witnessed many disasters in the past. However, public response during these national emergencies has always been very generous and admirable towards the victims. People have learnt that social distancing is a key measure to help contain virus spread. Therefore, "Stay home, stay safe" has become a common slogan. Annual budget of Public health care system needs to be enhanced. Creating public awareness regarding preventive measures is a key to tackle with pandemics.

How pandemic has affected routine life:

Every walk of life has been adversely affected by this pandemic. My university is also facing lock down situation. However, we are progressing academic activities via online means. Experiencing social distancing is unpleasant but it is desirable in present circumstances. My movement has been restricted to just purchasing eatables and basic necessities from the nearest opened shops. Taking regular exercise, drinking a lot of water, eating healthy and maintaining online or mobile social contact are good to tackle with this pandemic. I am hopeful and looking forward that soon world will resume its pace!